Interface | Description |
Matrix |
Trait for a local matrix.
Vector |
Represents a numeric vector, whose index type is Int and value type is Double.
Class | Description |
BLAS routines for MLlib's vectors and matrices.
CholeskyDecomposition |
Compute Cholesky decomposition.
DenseMatrix |
Column-major dense matrix.
DenseVector |
A dense vector represented by a value array.
EigenValueDecomposition |
Compute eigen-decomposition.
Matrices |
Factory methods for
Matrix . |
MatrixImplicits | |
QRDecomposition<QType,RType> |
Represents QR factors.
SingularValueDecomposition<UType,VType> |
Represents singular value decomposition (SVD) factors.
SparseMatrix |
Column-major sparse matrix.
SparseVector |
A sparse vector represented by an index array and a value array.
VectorImplicits | |
Vectors |
Factory methods for
Vector . |
VectorUDT | Alpha Component |